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Cable Tie Mounts: Rubber or Acrylic adhesive?


When it comes to adhesive-backed cable tie mounts, your decision comes down to rubber adhesives or acrylic adhesives. This is when it is best to know the pros and cons of both adhesive types. Adhesives types are differentiated by combining specific chemicals, elements and additives that give the product a distinctive bond. The strength of the adhesive relies on how strong the adhesive is itself. It is not necessarily true that one adhesive type is better than any other type, but one may suit your application better than another. This to consider are:  Materials being used, temperature, and the environment of the application.

Rubber Adhesives

Rubber adhesives will give you a higher adhesion when compared to acrylic adhesives. The rubber adhesive will bond with many different material types and are usable in most adhesion situations. Rubber has a very fast adhesion time and the bond forms much faster than with acrylic adhesives. By using a rubber adhesive, you will get a superior initial adhesion between your materials. However, it may not offer the most durable adhesion over time. This is because rubber is susceptible to UV exposure. Elevated temperatures will also break down the adhesive over time. Rubber adhesives have the lowest temperature resistance of any adhesive, providing the best adhesion indoors where there is only a light fluctuation in temperature changes. Rubber adhesives have a superior bond to plastics over acrylic adhesives and cost less than acrylics.

Acrylic Adhesives

Acrylic adhesives are preferred on items such as wood, metal, outdoor materials, glass and waterproof items. Acrylic adhesives are more versatile than rubber adhesives and provide more features than rubber adhesives such as being waterproof and unyielding against the elements. Acrylic adhesives are able to stand up to UV exposure where rubber adhesives are not. As well, acrylic can withstand higher and lower temperatures and perform better than rubber adhesives when exposed to chemicals. The consistency over time of acrylics is one of its strong points. The durability and longevity will be greater with an acrylic adhesive than with rubber. Acrylic adhesives do not bond immediately as with rubber. The acrylic will take around 24 hours to set, improving the bond as it sets. Therefore, acrylics will not give you the aggressive adhesion as soon as rubber would, but the bond of acrylic is more sustainable over time.

Deciding between a rubber and acrylic adhesive should not be a difficult choice. You just need to take into account the materials you plan to use and where the project will be located. If you are using a plastic material or if the project will remain indoors a rubber adhesive will provide better cost efficiency and bond much faster than an acrylic. When creating a project that will be outside, exposed to UV or exposed to temperature changes, an acrylic adhesive will provide the best durability and longevity.